The Old SchoolHouse Magazine

If you have been looking for a piano program for your budding pianist, then look no further than Piano K! This self-teaching piano program will have your child playing real songs like Mary Had a Little Lamb, London Bridge, and Beethoven’s, Ode to Joy on the piano in no time at all. Children aged 3 to 12 will learn to play twelve songs in each level in no time at all. Learning to play the piano at a young age will help improve school performance while helping to motivate your child to achieve and set goals.

Levels 1, 2, & 3


Amazon Reviews

By LG on July 9, 2016

Wonderfully easy and simple way to get the child into piano. My 6yo daughter loved (and basically self-taught herself) the first book, we are now on book 2 (which she begged me to get). The books are part of a 3-book series that transitions the learner from animal stickers- to note recognition (without the stickers). It's easy to read and organized well for a beginner.

PROS: Visually appealing, easy to read/learn, fun stickers to put on keys, transitions to full non-sticker note reading, includes nursery rhymes as well as some simple classic pieces, fun for kids
CONS: Only 3 books, pricey.

Play the SELF-TEACHING Piano Game